  1. Release Notes
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.2Latest
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.1
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.0
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction
    1. Features
    1. Architecture
    1. Advantages
    1. Glossary
  1. Installation
    1. Intruction
      1. Intro
      2. Port Requirements
    1. Install on Linux
      1. All-in-One Installation
      2. Multi-Node Installation
      3. Installing HA Master and Etcd Cluster
      4. Storage Configuration Instruction
    1. Install on Kubernetes
      1. Prerequisites
      2. Online Installation
      3. Offline Installation
    1. Related Tools
      1. Integrating Harbor Registry
    1. Cluster Operation
      1. Adding New Nodes
      2. High Risk Operation
      3. Uninstalling KubeSphere
  1. Quick Start
    1. Getting Started with Multitenancy
    1. Exposing your APP using Ingress
    1. Deploying a MySQL Application
    1. Deploying a Wordpress Website
    1. Job to compute π to 2000 places
    1. Deploying Grafana using APP Template
    1. Creating Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
    1. S2i: Publish your app without Dockerfile
    1. Canary Release of Microservice APP
    1. CI/CD based on Spring Boot Project
    1. Building a Pipeline in a Graphical Panel
    1. CI/CD based on GitLab and Harbor
    1. Ingress-Nginx for Grayscale Release
  1. Cluster Admin Guide
    1. Multi-tenant Management
      1. Overview of Multi-tenant Management
      2. Overview of Role Management
    1. Platform Management
      1. Account Management
      2. Platform Roles Management
    1. Infrastructure
      1. Service Components
      2. Nodes
      3. Storage Classes
    1. Monitoring Center
      1. Physical Resources
      2. Application Resources
    1. Application Repository
    1. Jenkins System Settings
  1. User Guide
    1. Application Template
    1. Workloads
      1. Deployments
      2. StatefulSets
      3. DaemonSets
      4. Jobs
      5. CronJobs
    1. Storage
      1. Volumes
    1. Network & Services
      1. Services
      2. Routes
    1. Configuration Center
      1. Secret
      2. ConfigMap
      3. Image Registry
    1. Project Settings
      1. Basic Information
      2. Member Roles
      3. Project Members
      4. Internet Access
    1. DevOps Project
      1. DevOps Project Management
      2. DevOps Project Management
      3. DevOps Project Management
      4. DevOps Project Management
      5. DevOps Project Management
  1. Development Guide
    1. Preparing the Development Environment
    1. Development Workflow
  1. API Documentation
    1. API Guide
    1. How to invoke KubeSphere API
KubeSphere®️ 2020 All Rights Reserved.

All-in-One Installation

For those who are new to KubeSphere and looking for the fastest way to install and experience the dashboard, the all-in-one installation must be your best choice since it supports one-click installation. Just follow the steps below to get started.

Preview Installation Demo

Step 1: Prepare the Host

Prepare a host that meets the following requirements for all-in-one installation


  • Suggest you to disable and stop the firewall, or you have to explicitly allow traffic through some specific ports in your host firewall, see Port Requirements.
  • If you are using ubuntu 16.04, the lastest 16.04.5 is recommended.
  • If you are using ubuntu 18.04, the root user is needed.
  • If there is no sudo command in the Debian system, you need to execute the command of apt update && apt install sudo using root user before installation.

Hardware Recommendations

System Minimum Requirements
CentOS 7.5 (64 bit) CPU:8 Core,  Memory:16 G, Disk Space:100 G
Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 LTS (64 bit) CPU:8 Core,  Memory:16 G, Disk Space:100 G
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.4 (64 bit) CPU:8 Core,  Memory:16 G, Disk Space:100 G
Debian Stretch 9.5 (64 bit) CPU:8 Core,  Memory:16 G, Disk Space:100 G

Step 2: Download Installer

Download KubeSphere 2.0.2 and enter into the installation folder.

$ curl -L https://kubesphere.io/download/stable/advanced-2.0.2 > advanced-2.0.2.tar.gz \
&& tar -zxf advanced-2.0.2.tar.gz && cd kubesphere-all-advanced-2.0.2/scripts

Step 3: Install KubeSphere

The following procedures will be automatically processed during the installation, which includes the monitoring of the environment and the file, the installation of the software infrastructure, automatic installation of Kubernetes and etcd, and the automatic  storage configuration. Kubernetes v1.13.5 will be installed by default.


  • Generally, you can install it directly without any modification.
  • KubeSphere supports calico by default. If you would like to customize the installation parameters, such as network, storage, GitLab, Harbor or load balancer plugin, you need to specify or edit the parameters in conf/vars.yml. Please refer to the Cluster Component Configuration Definition.
  • All-in-One uses Local volume by default. Since local storage does not support dynamic allocation, the setting up of the persistent volume (PV) by manual is needed. Installer will set up 26 avalaible 10G PVs in advance. Once the storage is insufficient, manul setting is needed. Please reder to Local Volume Instruction.
  • Supported Storage Types:QingCloud Block Storage(The Hanging limit of QingCloud's Public cloud single node is 8.)、QingStor NeonSANGlusterFSCephRBDNFSLocal Volume. For details regarding storage configuration, please refer to Storage Configuration Instructions.
  • Since the default subnet for Kubenetes' Cluster IPs is, Pod default subnet IP is The node IPs for KubeSphere installation must not overlap with those 2 default IPs. If any conflicts happened, go to conf/vars.yaml to modify the parameters of the kube_service_addresses or the kube_pods_subnet.


If you use KubeSphere defult network plugin, Calico, for insllation and the host is running in the underlying network, you need to add firewall IPIP protocal for the source IP (IP/port collection). For example, here is to show you how to add firewall IPIP protocol on QingCloud platform.

Tip: The installation duration is related to the network conditions, bandwidth, machine configuration and the number of nodes. Almost 25 minutes are needed under good network conditions.

1. Root user is recommended for installation. Execute install.sh:

$ ./install.sh

2. Enter 1 to select all-in-one mode to start:

         KubeSphere Installer Menu
*   1) All-in-one
*   2) Multi-node
*   3) Quit
https://kubesphere.io/               2018-10-08
Please input an option: 1

3. Verify if installed successfully:

(1). If you can see "Successful" after excuting install.sh, that means KubeSphere has been installed successfully.

###              Welcome to KubeSphere!           ###

Account: admin
Password: P@88w0rd 

NOTE:Please modify the default password after login.

Tip: If you need to view the above interface, just execute cat kubesphere/kubesphere_running command in the installer directory.

(2). If you need external network access, you need to forward the internal port 30880 to the source port 30880 in the port forwarding rule on the cloud platform. Then open the source port on the firewall to ensure that external network traffic can go through  this nodeport.

(3). After installation, visit according URL such as http://{$IP}:30880, you can access to KubeSphere login page. You can use default account and password to log in to the KubeSphere console. Please change the default password after logging in. Please refer to the KubeSphere Quick Start to master KubeSphere.

Attention: After logging into the console, please verify the service components' monitoring status in the "Cluster Status". Once all the components‘ startups have completed, the console can be used. Generally, all the service components complete their startup in 15 minutes.


KubeSphere has run the deployment test on aliyun, tencent cloud, huawei cloud, Qingcloud and AWS. For test results and relevant solutions, please refer to Multiple Cloud Platform Installation Testing Result. Besides, we have arranged related solutions to common installation issues in the Common Installation Issues. If you have other installation problems, please submit on GitHub.