  1. Release Notes
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.2Latest
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.1
    1. Release Notes - 2.0.0
  1. Introduction
    1. Introduction
    1. Features
    1. Architecture
    1. Advantages
    1. Glossary
  1. Installation
    1. Intruction
      1. Intro
      2. Port Requirements
    1. Install on Linux
      1. All-in-One Installation
      2. Multi-Node Installation
      3. Installing HA Master and Etcd Cluster
      4. Storage Configuration Instruction
    1. Install on Kubernetes
      1. Prerequisites
      2. Online Installation
      3. Offline Installation
    1. Related Tools
      1. Integrating Harbor Registry
    1. Cluster Operation
      1. Adding New Nodes
      2. High Risk Operation
      3. Uninstalling KubeSphere
  1. Quick Start
    1. Getting Started with Multitenancy
    1. Exposing your APP using Ingress
    1. Deploying a MySQL Application
    1. Deploying a Wordpress Website
    1. Job to compute π to 2000 places
    1. Deploying Grafana using APP Template
    1. Creating Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
    1. S2i: Publish your app without Dockerfile
    1. Canary Release of Microservice APP
    1. CI/CD based on Spring Boot Project
    1. Building a Pipeline in a Graphical Panel
    1. CI/CD based on GitLab and Harbor
    1. Ingress-Nginx for Grayscale Release
  1. Cluster Admin Guide
    1. Multi-tenant Management
      1. Overview of Multi-tenant Management
      2. Overview of Role Management
    1. Platform Management
      1. Account Management
      2. Platform Roles Management
    1. Infrastructure
      1. Service Components
      2. Nodes
      3. Storage Classes
    1. Monitoring Center
      1. Physical Resources
      2. Application Resources
    1. Application Repository
    1. Jenkins System Settings
  1. User Guide
    1. Application Template
    1. Workloads
      1. Deployments
      2. StatefulSets
      3. DaemonSets
      4. Jobs
      5. CronJobs
    1. Storage
      1. Volumes
    1. Network & Services
      1. Services
      2. Routes
    1. Configuration Center
      1. Secret
      2. ConfigMap
      3. Image Registry
    1. Project Settings
      1. Basic Information
      2. Member Roles
      3. Project Members
      4. Internet Access
    1. DevOps Project
      1. DevOps Project Management
      2. DevOps Project Management
      3. DevOps Project Management
      4. DevOps Project Management
      5. DevOps Project Management
  1. Development Guide
    1. Preparing the Development Environment
    1. Development Workflow
  1. API Documentation
    1. API Guide
    1. How to invoke KubeSphere API
KubeSphere®️ 2020 All Rights Reserved.


This document describes some frequently used glossaries in KubeSphere as shown below:

Object Concepts
Project It can be regarded as Kubernetes Namespace which is intended for use in environments with many users spread across multiple teams, or projects, provides virtual isolation for the resources in KubeSphere, see Namespace.
Pods Pods, are the smallest deployable units of computing that can be created and managed in KubeSphere, see Pods.
Deployments Deployments, are used to describe a desired state in a Deployment object, and the Deployment controller changes the actual state to the desired state at a controlled rate, see Deployments.
StatefulSets StatefulSets, StatefulSet is the workload object used to manage stateful applications, such as MySQL, see StatefulSets.
DaemonSet DaemonSet, A DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a Pod,such as fluentd or logstash, see DaemonSet.
Jobs Jobs, A job creates one or more pods and ensures that a specified number of them successfully terminate, see Jobs.
CronJob CronJob, it creates Jobs on a time-based schedule, a CronJob object is like one line of a crontab (cron table) file. It runs a job periodically on a given schedule, see CronJob.
Services Services, A Kubernetes Service is an abstraction which defines a logical set of Pods and a policy by which to access them - sometimes called a micro-service. See Services.
Routes Ingress, An API object that manages external access to the services in a cluster, typically HTTP, Ingress can provide load balancing, SSL termination and name-based virtual hosting, see Ingress.
Image Registry Image registry, is used to store and distribute Docker Images, it could be public or private, see Image.
Volume Persistent Volume Claim (PVC), is a request for storage by a user, allow a user to consume abstract storage resources, see PVC.
Storage Classes A Storage Class provides a way for administrators to describe the “classes” of storage they offer, see StorageClasses.
Pipeline Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of plugins which supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins, see Pipeline.
WorkSpace Multitenancy based, is the basic unit that is used to manage projects, DevOps and different level users.
Nodes A node is a worker machine that may be a VM or physical machine, depending on the cluster. Each node contains the services necessary to run pods and is managed by the master components. see Nodes.