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      1. Intro
      2. Port Requirements
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      2. Multi-Node Installation
      3. Installing HA Master and Etcd Cluster
      4. Storage Configuration Instruction
    1. Install on Kubernetes
      1. Prerequisites
      2. Online Installation
      3. Offline Installation
    1. Related Tools
      1. Integrating Harbor Registry
    1. Cluster Operation
      1. Adding New Nodes
      2. High Risk Operation
      3. Uninstalling KubeSphere
  1. Quick Start
    1. Getting Started with Multitenancy
    1. Exposing your APP using Ingress
    1. Deploying a MySQL Application
    1. Deploying a Wordpress Website
    1. Job to compute π to 2000 places
    1. Deploying Grafana using APP Template
    1. Creating Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
    1. S2i: Publish your app without Dockerfile
    1. Canary Release of Microservice APP
    1. CI/CD based on Spring Boot Project
    1. Building a Pipeline in a Graphical Panel
    1. CI/CD based on GitLab and Harbor
    1. Ingress-Nginx for Grayscale Release
  1. Cluster Admin Guide
    1. Multi-tenant Management
      1. Overview of Multi-tenant Management
      2. Overview of Role Management
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      2. Platform Roles Management
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      2. Nodes
      3. Storage Classes
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      2. Application Resources
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    1. Jenkins System Settings
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      2. StatefulSets
      3. DaemonSets
      4. Jobs
      5. CronJobs
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      1. Volumes
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      1. Services
      2. Routes
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      1. Secret
      2. ConfigMap
      3. Image Registry
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      2. Member Roles
      3. Project Members
      4. Internet Access
    1. DevOps Project
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      2. DevOps Project Management
      3. DevOps Project Management
      4. DevOps Project Management
      5. DevOps Project Management
  1. Development Guide
    1. Preparing the Development Environment
    1. Development Workflow
  1. API Documentation
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    1. How to invoke KubeSphere API
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Create a CI/CD Pipeline in a Graphical Panel

From last CI/CD tutorial, the pipeline was built from existing Jenkinsfile of its source code repository, requiring some experiences of the declarative Jenkinsfile. For beginners, who prefer graphical panel to help them quickly create a CI/CD pipeline without Jenkinsfile. Luckily, KubeSphere enables users to build a pipeline in a graphical panel, as well as generate a pipeline to Jenkinsfile which allows users to edit, friendly UI manipulation which makes a team’s delivery in high efficiency.


This guide is based on guide 10-Jenkinsfile in SCM. By building the pipeline in a visual way, deploy a HelloWorld sample service to a development environment in a KubeSphere cluster. Besides, that is accessible to users. The so-called development environment is resource isolated in Namespace in the underlying Kubernetes. For presentation purpose, this example still uses the GitHub repository devops-java-sample.

Hands-on Lab

Pipeline Overview

The construction of visual pipeline consists of the following six stages. Firstly, the flowchart below briefly describes the workflow of the entire pipeline:

The explanation of every stage:

  • **Stage 1. Checkout SCM: **Pull the GitHub repository code;
  • Stage 2. Unit test: Unit tests; proceed to the next task only if the tests are passed;
  • Stage 3. Code Analysis: Configure SonarQube for static code quality checking and analysis;
  • Stage 4. Build and Push: Build the image and push the tag as snapshot-$BUILDNUMBER to DockerHub (where $BUILDNUMBER is the run number of the pipeline active list);
  • Stage 5. Artifacts: Make the artifact (jar package) and save it;
  • Stage 6. Deploy to DEV: Deploy the project to the Dev environment, which requires a pre-audit and an email if the deployment is successful.

Create Project

CI/CD pipeline will eventually deploy the sample Web to the development environment kubesphere-sample-dev based on the yaml 模板文件 of the documentation website. It corresponds to a project in KubeSphere that needs to be created in advance. If not please refer to 示例十 - 创建第一个项目; use a project-admin account to create a kubesphere-sample-dev project. Then invite project regular user project-regular to enter the project and give it an operator character.

Create Credentials

This example creates pipelines with DockerHub, Kubernetes (create KubeConfig to access the running Kubernetes cluster), and SonarQube (three Credentials).

  1. Log in KubeSphere with the project regular user. Refer to Create Credentials create the credential of DockerHub and Kubernetes. Name the credential ID as dockerhub-id and demo-kubeconfig.

  2. Create a Java Token refer to 访问 SonarQube and copy the Token。

  3. Lastly, enter devops-demo's DevOps project in KubeSphere. Similarly, click Create in the Credential, to create a Secret Text type credential. Name the credential ID as sonar-token, the token is the one copied in the previous step, then click Confirm.

At this point, the three credentials have been created and will be used in the pipeline.

Create Pipeline

Follow steps below to create and run a complete pipeline.

Step 1: Fill in the basic information

  1. In the DevOps project, select the Pipeline on the left and click Create.

  1. In the pop-up window, enter the basic information of the pipeline. When finished, click Next.

  2. Name: A concise name for the pipeline to understand and search, for example, graphical-pipeline.

  3. Description: A brief introduction to the main features of the pipeline to help you understand the role of the pipeline.

  4. Code Registry: No code registry is selected here.

Step 2: Advanced Settings

  1. Click Add Parameter to add 3 string parameters as follows. This parameter will be used in the docker command of the pipeline. Click OK when done. | Parameter Type | Name | Default Value | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | string parameter | REGISTRY | The sample repository address is docker.io. | Image Registry | | string parameter | DOCKERHUBNAMESPACE | Fill in your DockerHub account (which can also be the Organization name under the account). | DockerHub Namespace | | string parameter | APPNAME | Fill the application name as devops-sample. | Application Name |

Visual editing pipeline

The visualization pipeline consists of six stages, which in turn describe which steps and tasks were performed in each stage.

Stage 1: Pull Source Code (Checkout SCM)

The visual editing page is divided into a structure editing area and a content editing area. Jenkinsfile is automatically generated by building each stage and step of the pipeline, so users don't need to learn the syntax of Jenkinsfile, which is very convenient. Of course, the platform also supports the manual editing of Jenkinsfile. The pipeline is divided into "declarative pipeline" and "scripted pipeline". Visual editing supports declarative pipeline. For Pipeline syntax, see Jenkins 官方文档.

  1. As follows,select node in the agent type, input maven in the label.

Note: The Agent section specifies where the entire Pipeline or a particular stage will be executed in the Jenkins environment, depending on where the agent part is placed, see Jenkins Agent 说明

  1. In the graphical build pipeline interface, click the "+" button in the edit area on the left side. Add a stage. Click the Add Step in the interface, and name it Checkout SCM in the right input box.

3、Then click Add steps at this stage. Select git on the right. For now, pull the repository's codes through Git, and the information filled in the pop-up window is as follows:

  • Url: GitHub repository URL https://github.com/kubesphere/devops-java-sample.git
  • Credential ID: No need to fill in (if it is a private warehouse, such as Gitlab, you need to create and fill in the voucher ID in advance)
  • Branch: There is no need to fill in the branch name here. If not, the default is the master branch.

When you are done, click "OK" to save and you will see the first stage of the build pipeline.

Stage 2: Unit Test

  1. Click "+" on the right of the Checkout SCM  to add one stage for performing a unit test in the container, name it Unit Test

  1. Click Add and select the Pod, name it maven, then click Confirm

3、Click Add nesting steps in the maven pod. Then select shell and enter the following command in the popup window, then click Save:

mvn clean -o -gs `pwd`/configuration/settings.xml test

Stage 3: Code Analysis

  1. Same as above, click “+” on the right side of the Unit Test  stage to continue adding a stage for configuring SonarQube to perform static code quality analysis in the container, name it Code Analysis

  2. Click Add  and select the Pod,name it maven,then click Confirm

  3. Click Add nesting steps on the right and select Add credentials,Select the previously created credential ID sonar-token in the popup window input SONAR_TOKEN in the text variable, then click Confirm.

  1. In the Add Credential on the right,click Add nesting steps,then select SonarQube configuration,keep the default  name sonar,click Confirm。

  1. Click Add nesting steps in the SonarQube configuration . Select Shell on the right, enter the SonarQube branch and authentication configuration commands in the pop-up window as follows, and click confirm to save the information.
mvn sonar:sonar -o -gs `pwd`/configuration/settings.xml -Dsonar.branch=$BRANCH_NAME -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_TOKEN

  1. Click on the third Add on the right and select Overtime. Input 1 to time and the unit select Hour. Click Confirm.

  1. In the overtime steps, click Add nesting steps. Select Code quality Cehck (SonarQube) and keep the default Process the following job after pass the test in the popup window then click Confirm.

Stage 4: Build and Push the Image

  1. Click "+" on the right of the stage of Code Analysis to add another stage to build and push images to DockerHub. Name it as Build and Push

  2. Click Add steps and select The Pod,name it as maven,then click Confirm.

  3. Click Add nesting steps and select Shell on the right, enter the following command in the popup window:

mvn -o -Dmaven.test.skip=true -gs `pwd`/configuration/settings.xml clean package
  1. Then continue to click Add nesting steps on the right, select Shell. In the popup window, enter the following command to build a Docker image based on the Dockerfile in the repository. Click Finish to save when done:
  1. Click Add nesting steps and select Add credentials on the right. Fill the following information in the popup window, and click "confirm" to save the information:

Note: For users' information security, the account type information does not appear in the script in clear text, but in the form of variables.

  • Credential ID:Select the DockerHub credentials you created earlier such as dockerhub-id

  • Password variable:DOCKER_PASSWORD

  • Username variable:DOCKER_USERNAME

  • Click Add nesting steps in the Add credentials stage, select Shell on the right, enter the following command in the popup window to log in to Docker Hub:

echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login $REGISTRY -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin

7、Then click Add nesting steps to add Shell input a command to push the SNAPSHOT image to Docker Hub:


Stage 5: Save Artifacts

  1. Click "+" at right of the Build and Push stage to add another stage to protect artifacts. This example uses the jar package as Artifacts.

  2. Click Add steps and select Save Artifacts. Input target/*.jar in the popup window to capture the build file containing the pattern match (target/*.jar) and save it to Jenkins,then click Confim.

Stage 6: Deploy to DEV

  1. Click "+" at right of the Artifacts stage to add the last stage and name it as Deploy to DEV. This stage will be used to deploy pod image to development environment namely, the project of kubesphere-sample-dev.

  2. Click Add steps and select Review. Input @project-admin in the pop-up window and demand the project-admin account to review the pipeline. Click Confirm.

  3. Click Add steps,select KubernetesDeploy. Fill in the pop-up window as below and click "Confirm" to save the information:

  4. Kubeconfig: select demo-kubeconfig

  5. Configuration file path: Input deploy/no-branch-dev/** which is the according path of the Kubernetes source deployment's yaml 文件

  6. Add a step to the same as above to send a notification email to the user after this step of deployment and pipeline execution is successful. Click Add steps, select Email, and custom edit recipients, CCs, topics, and content.

Note: sending mail in the pipeline requires pre-installing the mail server in the Installer. Please refer to 集群组件配置释义 for configuration. If not already configured, skip step 4 (the next version will support the unified configuration of mail in the UI after installation server).

At this point, the six stages of the graphical pipeline building have been added successfully, click Confirm → Save,the pipeline of the visual build is created and the Jenkinsfile is also generated.

Run Pipeline

1、Manually built pipelines need to be manually run in the platform. Click Run,In the input parameter pop-up window, you can see the three string parameters defined earlier. No modification is needed here. Click Confirm and the pipeline will start running.

2、You can see the status of the pipeline in the Activity list,click Activity to view the specific situation of the activity.

Note: The pipeline cannot be seen when it is started. This is because it has an initialization process. When the pipeline starts running, the Jenkins slave starts and starts parsing and executing the Jenkinsfile automatically generated by the pipeline. You can see the page where the graphical pipeline runs.

  1. Click Run Sequence 1 in the activity list to enter the activity details page of Sequence  1  to view the specific operation of the pipeline.

  1. Log in the platform and shift the user to project-admin. Enter into the graphical-pipeline under the DevOps project. Then click Activity to enter the No. 1 activity page. You can see the pipeline has run to the deploy to dev stage. Click Continue to change the pipeline status as In Operation.

Note: If the previous steps are configured correctly, you can see that the pipeline has successfully run to the last stage in a few minutes. Since we added the review step in the last phase and specified the user with the user name project-admin. Therefore, the pipeline will be suspended until now, waiting for the auditor project-admin to log into the pipeline running page to manually trigger. 此时审核者可以测试构建的镜像并进一步审核整个流程,若审核通过则点击 继续,最终将部署到开发环境中。

View Pipeline

  1. After a few minutes, the pipeline will run successfully. Click Activity list in the pipeline to view the current running pipeline serial number, the page shows the operational status of each step in the pipeline. The black box marks the name of the step in the pipeline. The six stages of the pipeline in the example are the six stages created above. At this point, the reviewer can test the built image and further review the entire process. If the review is approved, click Continue and the solution will eventually be deployed to the development environment.

  1. Click  Check Logs on the top right of the current page to view the pipeline run log. The page shows the specific log, running status and time of each step. Click on a specific stage on the left to view its specific log. If an error occurs, the positioning problem can be analyzed according to the log information. The log can be downloaded to the local view. .

View code quality

Click Code quality in the pipeline to check the detection results of the code quality, which is provided by the SonarQube built into the cluster. The sample code is simple and therefore does not show bugs or code vulnerabilities. Click on the SonarQube icon on the right to access SonarQube in your browser and visit SonarQube for reference 访问内置 SonarQube.

Tip: If you need to access SonarQube on the external network, you may need to bind the public network EIP and configure port forwarding and firewall rules. In the port forwarding rule, the intranet port, for example, 31359, is forwarded to the source port 31359, and then open the source port in the firewall to ensure that the external network traffic can pass through the port before the external can access. For example, if you are doing the above operations on the QingCloud cloud platform, you can refer to 云平台配置端口转发和防火墙

View test quality report at SonarQube

View Articraft

Click Activity and select Product, you can view the articraft Jar package saved by the pipeline during the running process, and click to download it to the local.

Verify the results of the process

If every step of the pipeline can be successfully executed, the Docker image of the final build of the pipeline will also be successfully pushed to DockerHub. We have configured the Docker mirror repository in Jenkinsfile, log in to DockerHub to see the mirror's push result, and you can see the tag. The image for SNAPSHOT-xxx has been pushed to DockerHub. It was finally deployed to the development environment as a deployment and service in KubeSphere.

  1. Login KubeSphere as project-regular , enter kubesphere-sample-dev, click Workload → Deployment on the menu bar on the left to see that ks-sample-dev has been created successfully. | Environment | URL | Namespace | Deployment | Service | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Dev | http://{$Virtual IP}:{$8080} or http://{$Intranet/Public IP}:{$30861} | kubesphere-sample-dev | ks-sample-dev | ks-sample-dev |

View Deployment

  1. In the menu bar, select Network & Services → Service. You can also view the corresponding created service. You can see that the NodePort exposed by the service is30861.

View Service

  1. Check the mirror pushed to DockerHub you can see that devops-sample is the value of APP_NAME, while Tag is the value of SNAPSHOT-$BUILD_NUMBER  ($BUILD_NUMBER, running number of the according activity), in which tag is the mirror of SNAPSHOT-1 , also used in ks-sample-dev.

  1. Since we have set up email notifications in the final phase of the pipeline, we can verify the received build notification emails in the mailbox.

Access sample service

If you access to the deployed HelloWorld sample service in the intranet environment, you can log in to the cluster node through SSH. In another way, you can use the cluster administrator to log in to KubeSphere and enter the following command in web kubectl to verify access. The Virtual IP and node port (NodePort) can pass the corresponding project. View in the service:

# curl {$Virtual IP}:{$Port} or curl {$Intranet IP}:{$NodePort}

At this point, the example of the graphical build pipeline has been completed. If you encounter problems during the creation process, you can refer to FAQ.